

Add the Required Repositories

Supported versions

At the moment, CentOS/RHEL/SL 7 and 8 are supported.

Moonshot requires three yum repositories to be added to the system - EPEL and the Shibboleth repositories (home of some required dependencies), and the Moonshot repository itself.

  1. Install EPEL by running the following command:

    yum install epel-release

    Depending on your platform, the epel-release package is part of one of the optional repositories.

    On CentOS, it is part of the Extras repository. On RHEL, you must enable both the Optional and Extras repositories. For more information, visit the EPEL homepage.

    On newer releases of Scientific Linux 7, the epel-release package does not exist. Use yum install yum-conf-epel instead. For more information, see the Scientific Linux 7.2 release notes.

  2. Install the Moonshot repository information running one of the the following commands depending on your CentOS version:

    CentOS 7
    yum install -y https://repository.project-moonshot.org/rpms/moonshot-repository.centos7.rpm
    CentOS 8
    yum install -y https://repository.project-moonshot.org/rpms/moonshot-repository.centos8.rpm

    This installs the Yum repository, the current Moonshot GPG key, and a package that can update both. This is the preferred method of deploying repository information.

    Verifying the Moonshot GPG key

    If you wish to verify the Moonshot GPG key's validity and integrity, please see the Packaging GPG Key for further details.

  3. (Optional - Not required if you install the noshib versions) Install the official Shibboleth repository using one of the following commands, according to your CentOS version:

    CentOS 7
    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/shibboleth.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/CentOS_7/security:shibboleth.repo
    CentOS 8
    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/shibboleth.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/CentOS_8/security:shibboleth.repo

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