Creating a static Moonshot connection to a Moonshot IdP is straightforward:
Create a new file in /etc/raddb/sites-available called mainidp_localdomain:
home_server mainidp_localdomain_server1 { ipaddr = port = 2083 type = auth secret = radsec proto = tcp status_check = none tls { private_key_password = whatever private_key_file = ${certdir}/mainidp_localdomain.pem certificate_file = ${certdir}/mainidp_localdomain.pem ca_file = ${cadir}/mainidp_ca.pem dh_file = ${certdir}/dh random_file = ${certdir}/random fragment_size = 8192 ca_path = ${cadir} cipher_list = "DEFAULT" } } home_server_pool mainidp_localdomain_authpool { home_server = mainidp_localdomain_server1 home_server = ... } realm mainidp_realm { auth_pool = mainidp_localdomain_authpool nostrip } # Invalid (but still valid for the time being) configuration #realm mainidp_realm { # authhost = mainidp_localdomain_server1 # secret = radsec # nostrip #}
Link to the file in /etc/raddb/sites-enabled to enable it.
Store a client certificate (client.pem) and the ca.pem from the identity provider in /etc/raddb/certs and call them mainidp_localdomain.pem and mainidp_ca.pem respectively.
Make sure they are readable by the radiusd group.
Restart the server.
Static connection is now enabled.