Install Moonshot Libraries on a Client

Install Moonshot Libraries on a Client

To be able to use Moonshot to authenticate to remote services, the Moonshot Libraries must be installed on the device running the client application.


Although we have separate instructions for installing the Moonshot libraries on a client and a server, they are in fact the same software packages - only the configuration steps differ.

Supported Operating Systems

Moonshot ships as RPM and Deb repositories for Linux, and as installers for Windows and Mac. Alternatively, you can build from source. You can find out which particular versions of Linux, Mac and Windows are supported on the following pages:

Install and Configure the Software

If your OS is supported, you can find installation instructions using the relevant link below:

Building from Source

If you cannot use any of the above packages, or just wish to build everything yourself, then building from source is another option - but only recommended for the technically adventurous.

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