Install an IdP on RHEL/CentOS/SL

Install an IdP on RHEL/CentOS/SL

On this page you will find instructions on how to set up a Moonshot Identity Provider (IdP) on RedHat, CentOS or Scientific Linux. It also installs and configures the Trust Router client, if you are going to use the Trust Router infrastructure.


System Preparation

Install CentOS

The first thing that is required is a CentOS machine - this can be physical or virtual.

  1. Install the operating system via usual mechanism (e.g., net boot CD, ISO in VMware/VirtualBox or the DVD image).
  2. Choose the following server install options: "Basic server”.
  3. Create/choose a secure root password and an initial system user account.
  4. Once installed, make sure you run a yum makecache and yum update to ensure your system is fully up to date.


We would recommend using LVM when disk partitioning to allow easier partition/disk expansion on a live system.


After install, you will want to secure/lockdown the server as best practice dictates - for both the server and any extra software installed. This is beyond the remit of this guide but there are many guides available that provide information on how to secure your CentOS servers and applications.

Configure CentOS

Next, there are a few CentOS configuration options that need to be set in advance.

Networking configuration

For production deployments, it is recommended that the machine be assigned a static IP address.

For CentOS networking information please refer to the official Red Hat guide:

CentOS 6
CentOS 7

Firewall configuration

The following ports are required to be accessible from the outside world, both in the local firewall and in any external firewalls:

  • 2083/tcp (for RadSec connections to other Moonshot entities)
  • 12309/tcp (for Trust Router client connections - if using the Trust Router to broker trust relationships between entities)

Here are sample firewall rules that establish incoming and outgoing rules to both the Test and Live (Jisc Assent) Moonshot trust router infrastructures. If you connect to another Trust Router, adjust these rules to suit:

IP Tables sample firewall rules (Jisc Assent)

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s 0/0 --dst <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dport 2083 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dst 0/0 --dport 2083 -j ACCEPT
 -A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s,,, --dst <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dport 12309 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dst,,, --dport 12309 -j ACCEPT

IP Tables sample firewall rules (Test Network)

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s 0/0 --dst <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dport 2083 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dst 0/0 --dport 2083 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s,, --dst <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dport 12309 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp -s <IdP/RP Proxy IP address> --dst,, --dport 12309 -j ACCEPT

Add the Required Repositories

Supported versions

At the moment, CentOS/RHEL/SL 7 and 8 are supported.

Moonshot requires three yum repositories to be added to the system - EPEL and the Shibboleth repositories (home of some required dependencies), and the Moonshot repository itself.

  1. Install EPEL by running the following command:

    yum install epel-release

    Depending on your platform, the epel-release package is part of one of the optional repositories.

    On CentOS, it is part of the Extras repository. On RHEL, you must enable both the Optional and Extras repositories. For more information, visit the EPEL homepage.

    On newer releases of Scientific Linux 7, the epel-release package does not exist. Use yum install yum-conf-epel instead. For more information, see the Scientific Linux 7.2 release notes.

  2. Install the Moonshot repository information running one of the the following commands depending on your CentOS version:

    CentOS 7
    yum install -y https://repository.project-moonshot.org/rpms/moonshot-repository.centos7.rpm
    CentOS 8
    yum install -y https://repository.project-moonshot.org/rpms/moonshot-repository.centos8.rpm

    This installs the Yum repository, the current Moonshot GPG key, and a package that can update both. This is the preferred method of deploying repository information.

    Verifying the Moonshot GPG key

    If you wish to verify the Moonshot GPG key's validity and integrity, please see the Packaging GPG Key for further details.

  3. (Optional - Not required if you install the noshib versions) Install the official Shibboleth repository using one of the following commands, according to your CentOS version:

    CentOS 7
    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/shibboleth.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/CentOS_7/security:shibboleth.repo
    CentOS 8
    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/shibboleth.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/CentOS_8/security:shibboleth.repo

1. Install the Moonshot IdP

We’re now ready to install the Moonshot software and its required dependencies. Install the software by running the following command:

yum install moonshot-noshib trust_router freeradius-abfab freeradius-utils

ABRT (Automatic Bug Reporting Tool) issues

The trust_router binaries intentionally terminate child processes by sending the SIGABRT signal. This is interpreted by the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) as an error, generating a report and notifying the user when enabled. As a work around, we recommend editing the /etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf file and adding trust_router to the list of blacklisted modules. The resulting file would look similar to the following:

OpenGPGCheck = yes

# Blacklisted packages
BlackList = nspluginwrapper, valgrind, strace, mono-core, trust_router

# Process crashes in executables which do not belong to any package?
ProcessUnpackaged = no

SELinux issues

There are still a few issues with SELinux and a Moonshot-enabled FreeRadius server. In order to allow it to work, the radiusd_t type must be set into Permissive mode. For doing so, use the following command: 

Set radiusd_t in Permissive mode
semanage permissive -a radiusd_t

You can learn more about the semanage permissive command in http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/semanage-permissive.8.html

2. Configure the Moonshot IdP

Next, we need to configure the Moonshot IdP.

2.1. Configure FreeRADIUS


We need to get FreeRADIUS to create some private and public keys to use for its RadSec connections. Create and install the certificates by doing the following (as root).

  1. Change into the /etc/raddb/certs directory

    cd /etc/raddb/certs
  2. Edit the certificate generation properties in client.cnfserver.cnf, and ca.cnf as follows:

    1. In the ca.cnf file:
      1. In the [ req ] section, add encrypt_key = no
      2. In the [CA_default] section, change the default_days from 60 to a higher number (this is how long the certificates you create will be valid for). When the certificates expire, you will have to recreate them.

      3. in the [ certificate_authority ] section, change all of the parameters to match those of your organisation. e.g.

        countryName             = GB
        stateOrProvinceName     = England
        localityName            = Camford
        organizationName        = Camford University
        emailAddress            = support@camford.ac.uk
        commonName              = "Camford University FR Certificate Authority"
    2. In the server.cnf file:

      1. In the [ req ] section, add encrypt_key = no
      2. In the [CA_default] section, change the default_days from 60 to a higher number (this is how long the certificates you create will be valid for). When the certificates expire, you will have to recreate them.
      3. in the [ server ] section, change all of the parameters to match those of your organisation. e.g.

        countryName             = GB
        stateOrProvinceName     = England
        localityName            = Camford
        organizationName        = Camford University
        emailAddress            = support@camford.ac.uk
        commonName              = "Camford University FR Server Certificate"

        When changing passwords in the [ req ] section of the server.cnf file, you must also update the private_key_password option in the FreeRADIUS mods-available/eap file with the same password.

        We recommend that you do not change these defaults.

    3. In the client.cnf file:

      1. In the [ req ] section, add encrypt_key = no
      2. In the [CA_default] section, change the default_days from 60 to a higher number (this is how long the certificates you create will be valid for). When the certificates expire, you will have to recreate them.
      3. in the [ client ] section, change all of the parameters to match those of your organisation. e.g.

        countryName             = GB
        stateOrProvinceName     = England
        localityName            = Camford
        organizationName        = Camford University
        emailAddress            = support@camford.ac.uk
        commonName              = "Camford University FR Client Certificate"
        All of the organisation parameters (countryName, localityName, etc) need to match in the three .cnf files but the commonName must be unique in each file)
  3. Clear out any old certificates in the directory:

    make destroycerts
  4. Run the bootstrap script to generate the certificates

  5. Create a file that is the concatenation of the certificate and private key of the client.

    openssl x509 -in client.crt > client.pem ; cat client.key >> client.pem
  6. Because the above command was run as root, the keys and certificates created will not be readable by the FreeRADIUS user by default, and FreeRADIUS will not be able to start. To fix this, reset the group for the files:

    chgrp radiusd {client,server,ca,dh}*

OpenSSL settings (CentOS 6 only)

By default, FreeRADIUS attempts to detect the version of OpenSSL that is installed to block vulnerable versions. However, RedHat/CentOS/Scientific Linux patch existing versions, which may lead FreeRADIUS to believe that the installed version is unsafe. This setting overrides the check.

  1. Open /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf for editing:
    1. Search for the allow_vulnerable_openssl setting in the security { } section.
    2. Edit it like so:

              # allow_vulnerable_openssl = no
              allow_vulnerable_openssl = 'CVE-2016-6304'


Next, we need to configure RadSec. We do this by creating a file at /etc/radsec.conf with the following:

realm gss-eap {
	type = "TLS"
	cacertfile = "/etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem"
	certfile = "/etc/raddb/certs/client.pem"
	certkeyfile = "/etc/raddb/certs/client.key"
	disable_hostname_check = yes
	server {
		hostname = ""
		service = "2083"
		secret = "radsec"

Dynamic Realm support

We need to tell your FreeRADIUS server to support dynamic lookup of realms.

  1. Open /etc/raddb/proxy.conf for editing:
    1. Towards the top of the file is a stanza beginning "proxy server {". Find this.
    2. Below this, add dynamic = yes, like so:

      proxy server {
              dynamic = yes

2.1.1. Realm

We need to configure your realm in the FreeRADIUS server so that it knows not to send any requests for your own users off to another server.

  1. Configure your realm in /etc/raddb/proxy.conf:
    1. Open the file for editing and find the line realm example.com {
    2. Above this, add the following, where YOUR_REALM should be substituted by your realm (e.g. camford.ac.uk):

      realm YOUR_REALM {
      	# Intentionally left blank

2.1.2. Channel Binding Support

We need to configure your FreeRADIUS server to support channel bindings.

  1. Open /etc/raddb/sites-available/abfab-tls for editing:
    1. Scroll to the client default stanza at the bottom of the file
    2. Edit the stanza to match the below:

      client default {
              ipaddr =
              proto = tls
              gss_acceptor_realm_name = "your IDP realm here"
              trust_router_coi = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net


      Specify the same RP realm as in the rp_realm option in Section 4.1 below. For simple IdP deployments, this usually matches your IDP Realm. When running a mixed IdP-RP Proxy deployment, follow the advice for an RP Proxy.

    3. If you have any other client definitions here, for example to distinguish between internal and external clients, also apply the change to them.

2.1.3. EAP Type

  1. Set the EAP type in use by moonshot (EAP-TTLS) by editing /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/eap. Find the first instance of default_eap_type = md5 and change it to TTLS. 

    default_eap_type = ttls

2.1.4. User Authentication

FreeRADIUS offers many options on to authenticate users; common ones including using a simple local flat file (useful for initial testing), or for production deployments using a credential store in an SQL database or a connection to LDAP/AD.

To see the full range of options available, and find out how to configure them, visit the FreeRADIUS site.

For the purposes of initial testing, we will use a simple local flat file, creating a user with username "testuser" and password "testing".

  1. Open /etc/raddb/users for editing and put the following at the top of the file

    testuser	Cleartext-Password := "testing"
    			Reply-Message = "Hello test user. You have authenticated!"

    The formatting of the stanza above is very important. There should be a line break before the Reply-Message.

3. Configure the Trust Router client

If you are going to connect your Moonshot IdP to a Trust Router network, then the next step involves configuring the Trust Router client software and configuring its connection to a Trust Router.

Configure FreeRADIUS to use Trust Router

Configuring FreeRADIUS realm lookup

We need to configure the community and rp_realm appropriate for your Moonshot service, and the Trust Router that it will connect to.

  1. Open the /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/realm for editing.
  2. Find the "realm suffix {" configuration directive, and fill out the fields as appropriate.
  3. Repeat this for the "realm bangpath {" configuration directive.
  4. For the default Jisc Assent Trust Router this will look like the following:

    realm suffix {
      format = suffix
      delimiter = "@"
      default_community = "ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net"
      rp_realm = "Your service realm as registered in the Jisc Assent Portal"
      trust_router = "tr.moonshot.ja.net"
      rekey_enabled = yes
    realm bangpath {
      format = prefix
      delimiter = "!"
      default_community = "ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net"
      rp_realm = "Your service realm as registered in the Jisc Assent Portal"
      trust_router = "tr.moonshot.ja.net"
      rekey_enabled = yes


    Camford University has a Moonshot service registered in the Jisc Assent Portal at the service realm of moonshot.camford.ac.uk, so its realm file would look like this:

    realm suffix {
      format = suffix
      delimiter = "@"
      default_community = "ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net"
      rp_realm = "moonshot.camford.ac.uk"
      trust_router = "tr.moonshot.ja.net"
      rekey_enabled = yes
    realm bangpath {
      format = prefix
      delimiter = "!"
      default_community = "ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net"
      rp_realm = "moonshot.camford.ac.uk"
      trust_router = "tr.moonshot.ja.net"
      rekey_enabled = yes

Register your Trust Router client with a Trust Router

At this point, the Moonshot service needs to be associated with a Trust Router. To do this, you need to contact the operator of a Trust Router you wish to join for their specific instructions on how to do this.

Once you have joined the Trust Router service, you will be issued with an Organisation credential file in XML file format.

Keep this credential file safe. It usually will only be issued once and any subsequent requests usually invalidate any previously issued credentials. This is a security precaution.

Jisc Assent service instructions

The below instructions are specific to the world's first Trust Router service, Jisc Assent, operated by Jisc in the United Kingdom:

  1. If you are not signed up to Assent, sign up to Assent first. This step may take a day or two while your organisation details are verified and you are invited to join the portal.
  2. If you are signed up to Assent, log into the Assent portal and follow instructions on how to do it https://assent.jisc.ac.uk/help/organization#manage-credentials

  3. Download an Organisation credential under the 'Credential' section of your organisation in the portal (in the form of an XML file). Keep this file safe!
  1. You must import the issued credential file using the moonshot-webp command as the radiusd user:

    su - --shell=/bin/bash radiusd
    moonshot-webp -f [path to credential file]
  2. Check that the credential has been correctly imported, by starting the UI and checking the credential has been correctly imported:

  3. If the file exists, the credential file's contents should be present in the file.

3.1. Configure TIDS

The IdP also runs the Temporary ID Server (TIDS).

  1. Open the /etc/sysconfig/tids file for editing:

    TIDS_SERVER_IP="[your server IP]"					# IP address that the TIDS is reachable on
    TIDS_SERVER_NAME="[your server hostname]"			# The host name that the TIDS is known as
    TIDS_USER="trustrouter"							# The user that the TIDS is running as
    TIDS_GROUP="trustrouter"							# The group that the TIDS is running as
    TIDS_GSS_NAME="trustrouter@ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net"	# The GSS service name for the TIDS APC
    ## Static variables that you can also adjust

4. Testing

Now that we have the Moonshot IdP installed and configured, we're now ready to test!


At this point you probably want three consoles open on the server, so that you can manually run various components separately.

4.1. Testing FreeRADIUS locally

The first test is to check whether FreeRADIUS is working in its most basic manner.

  1. In window 1, run (as the radiusd user):

    su --shell=/bin/bash radiusd
    radiusd -fxx -l stdout
  2. Check that no errors are output.

  3. In window 2, run (as root user)

    radtest testuser@YOURREALM testing 2222 testing123

    This uses the "radtest" utility which is used in the following way - radtest username password servername port shared-secret

  4. If this is working correctly you should see something like the following:

    In window 1 - FreeRADIUS server output
    Sending Access-Accept of id 57 from port 18120 to port 33363
         Reply-Message = 'Hello test user. You have authenticated!'
    (1) Finished request 1.
    Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
    Waking up in 4.6 seconds.
    (1) Cleaning up request packet ID 57 with timestamp +94
    Ready to process requests.
    In window 2 - radtest client output
    Sending Access-Request of id 57 from port 33363 to port 18120
         User-Name = 'testuser'
         User-Password = 'testing'
         NAS-IP-Address =
         NAS-Port = 2222
         Message-Authenticator = 0x00
    rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 18120, id=57, length=61
         Reply-Message = 'Hello test user. You have authenticated!'

4.2. Testing the Trust Router connection

To test the connection to Trust Router, we need to make sure the Temporary Identity Server (TIDS) software is running, then use the Temporary Identity Client (TIDC) software to simulate a connection to the Trust Router.

4.2.1. Testing using the Temporary Identity Client (TIDC)

  1. In window 2, (as the radiusd user) run the tidc command:

    su - --shell=/bin/bash radiusd
    tidc tr.moonshot.ja.net [your rp-realm] ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net

    This uses the "tidc" binary which is used in the following way - tidc [hostname-of-trust-router] [rp-realm] [hostname-of-apc-server] [apc-name]

  2. If the Trust Router connection was successful, you should see something like the following:

    In window 2 - TIDC output
    TIDC Client:
    Server = tr.moonshot.ja.net, rp_realm = moonshot-idp.camford.ac.uk, target_realm = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net, community = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net
    connecting to host 'tr.moonshot.ja.net' on port 12309
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=21
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 21 (TTLS) selected
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
    tidc_fwd_request: Sending TID request:
    tr_msg_decode_tidresp(): Success! result = success.
    tr_msg_decode_servers(): Number of servers = 1.
    Response received! Realm = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net, Community = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net.
    Client Key Generated (len = 256):

4.2.2. Testing the Temporary Identity Server (TIDS)

  1. In window 3 (as the trustrouter user, window 1 should still be still running the FreeRADIUS server and window 2 the TIDC command), run the TIDS software:

    su - --shell=/bin/bash trustrouter
    tids --ip [your server IP] --hostname [your server hostname] trustrouter@ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net 

    trustrouter@ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net is the identity that the trust router will use when provisioning keys - this makes it easy to spot in your own log files.
    Specifying your server's IP and hostname may seem redundant (and for single server deployments, it is!). You'll need to set the hostname and IP arguments a little differently if you want to enable some more advanced configurations (such as load balancing and key sharing).

    When using Network Address Translation (NAT) or a firewall, you must specify your external IP address.

  2. In window 2, (as the radiusd user) run the tidc command again, but this time modify it slightly and specifying the realm you defined in Section 3.1.6 above:

    su - --shell=/bin/bash radiusd
    tidc tr.moonshot.ja.net [your rp-realm] [YOUR_REALM] ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net

    This uses the "tidc" binary which is used in the following way - tidc [hostname-of-trust-router] [rp-realm] [identity realm specified in Section 3.1.6] [apc-name]

  3. If the Trust Router connection was successful, you should see something like the following:

    In window 2 - TIDC output
    TIDC Client:
    Server = tr.moonshot.ja.net, rp_realm = moonshot-idp.camford.ac.uk, target_realm = camford.ac.uk, community = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net
    connecting to host 'tr.moonshot.ja.net' on port 12309
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=21
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 21 (TTLS) selected
    CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
    tidc_fwd_request: Sending TID request:
    tr_msg_decode_tidresp(): Success! result = success.
    tr_msg_decode_servers(): Number of servers = 1.
    Response received! Realm = camford.ac.uk, Community = ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net.
    Client Key Generated (len = 256):

    Additionally, in window 1, where FreeRADIUS is running, you should see something similar to this:

    In window 1 - FreeRADIUS output
    (9) Found Auth-Type = Accept
    (9) Auth-Type = Accept, accepting the user
    (9) # Executing section post-auth from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/abfab-tr-idp
    (9)   post-auth {
    (9)     [exec] = noop
    (9)     policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {
    (9)       if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) {
    (9)       if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message)  -> FALSE
    (9)       else {
    (9)         [noop] = noop
    (9)       } # else = noop
    (9)     } # policy remove_reply_message_if_eap = noop
    (9)   } # post-auth = noop
    (9) Sent Access-Accept Id 0 from to length 196
    (9)   Message-Authenticator = 0x856c08f200d29d641e486a1ccc48799a
    (9)   User-Name = 'trustrouter@ov-apc.moonshot.ja.net'
    (9)   MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 0xac76ebd3df5fd9f11b57ad0fbc57b92175a8c8f7b4f3ae18bc4ccab5184e6158
    (9)   MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 0xb891112bc014a06dbbeb8170d64136d2e0359a0c255d846fb5772f2733205782
    (9)   EAP-Message = 0x03090004
    (9) Finished request
    Closing TLS socket from client port 56352
    (0) >>> TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], warning close_notify
    Client has closed connection
    Waking up in 3.7 seconds.
    (0) <done>: Cleaning up request packet ID 0 with timestamp +25
  4. With the tests successful, you can now terminate the FreeRADIUS (window 1) and TIDS (window 3) processes.

5. Next Steps

At this point, you now have a Moonshot IdP that is working and registered with a Trust Router. Now for the next steps:

5.1. Automatically start the software


To automatically start FreeRADIUS, issue the following command (as root):

CentOS 6
chkconfig radiusd on
service radiusd start 
CentOS 7
systemctl enable radiusd
systemctl start radiusd 

If this is working correctly, you should see FreeRADIUS running as a daemon process.

5.1.1. TIDS

To automatically start TIDS, issue the following command (as root):

CentOS 6
chkconfig tids on
service tids start 
CentOS 7
systemctl enable tids
systemctl start tids

If this is working correctly, you should see TIDS running as a daemon process.

5.2. Configure a real source of Authentication

Your FreeRADIUS server can currently only authenticate a single user - "testuser". At this point, you will want to connect to Active Directory, LDAP, an SQL database, or some other source of credentials.

See Configuring FreeRADIUS to Use a Local Identity Store for more information and instructions for how to do this.

5.3. Integrate SAML

As currently configured, this Moonshot IdP can only use RADIUS attributes. If you wish to also include SAML assertions, visit the Issue SAML Assertions page to see the options available to you.

5.4. Configure clients

If you are going to also use your Moonshot IdP as a Moonshot RP (i.e., connect services to it that you wish to allow people to authenticate to using Moonshot), then see the Configure the Moonshot RP Proxy to Talk to Applications/Services page.

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